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Friday 25 November 2011

Hit Or Miss

Watching commercials is fun right? But do you actually think about what what your watching?

In Frank's class today, we graded commercials based on the method and effectiveness that the message was delivered. There was so many different ways to look at these commercials and so many different interpretations.

Before this exercise I had no idea that there was a method for grading commercials. It was just thirty seconds of boredom until the next commercial came on. I never really thought of thoroughly evaluating the message. It is easy to be distracted by the content of the commercial and completely miss the point.  This of course, is not a reflection of how I interpret;  it just means the ad didn't do its job.

Sometimes if humor comes into play,  that will be the only thing the observer will remember and the desired message won't register.  There is also the argument that commercials lacking humor are boring, especially with the outrageous campaigns that are currently in play.  An example of this is Old Spice's current campaign. The brand wouldn't be half as popular as it is now if it weren't for that brilliant concept.

However, if the commercial is a complete failure and lacks relevant components, or the message just isn't delivered effectively, then it was just a big waste of time and money- mostly a waste of money.

So the next time you watch a commercial, test it's effectiveness by seeing how much you retain once it has come and gone.  You may be surprised by how little or how much got through. 

Friday 18 November 2011

Drink Coke; Save the Polar Bears

Have you noticed a change in the Coca-Cola can lately?  Well, if you haven't, it might be time to crawl out from that rock you've been hiding under.

Coke has started a campaign  in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund to raise awareness and funds to help create a safe haven for polar bears – an Arctic refuge.  Hence the white can with the silver polar bear silhouette.

Coke and polar bears go way back, to 1922 to be exact, when they were featured for the first time in print advertising.  The partnership with WWF was established in 2007.  So far, Coke has pledged $2 million to help fund the creation of a arctic refuge and is willing to match up to $1 million in consumer donations.

If you are interested in donating, there are multiple ways to do so.  Looking for the convenient method? You can donate through your mobile device and a dollar will be added to your bill at the end of the month. Credit card donations are also an option (with a $10 minimum).  Finally, to really make your donation count be sure to include the product code (found on Coca Cola merchandise) to have your donation matched.

So if the fact that they are the best soft drink on the market wasn't good enough to win you over, this generous attempt to make the world a better place should do the trick. Just another reason to chose Coca-Cola.

Friday 11 November 2011

Take My Card

Many people underestimate the power of a buisness card.  I for one, have just discovered its importance.  Unfortunately, I learned the hard way.

Today I took part in a seminar hosted by Frank, where we had the opportunity to meet with professionals in our field who graduated from the IMC program.  I was placed at Ricardo Giuliani's table.  I learned so much from him, and at the end of the session he handed me a business card.  I felt awkward, being unable to do the same.  This card is a direct connect to Mr. Giuliani. I felt like I had not made an equivalent connection because I had not exchanged a card of my own.

The idea is to make your card stand out among the rest.  Ricardo had this in mind when designing his.  His strength must lie in design, seeing as his card strongly reflects that talent.  Tanya and I both received his card and we noticed that the backs were different.  Tanya's had a vacation photograph while I had one of him and his wife.

Your business card is a reflection of you.  You can display so many things about yourself through your card.  The concept is simple; contact information and possibly logo.  Ricardo took the extra step by making it unique and memorable.

Now it's up to me to decide what to do with this card.  It is a vital connection I have made and plan on keeping.  I realize that I will be receiving many business cards in the coming years and have decided to adapt a organizational strategy.  I will place them in a business card book and include (on a separate piece of paper) the 5 w's.  This way, I can't forget them and can refer back to this connection when I need to.

If there's one thing I know for sure, you're only as strong as your network.

Friday 4 November 2011

Until Stress Do Us Part

Kill me now before my head explodes!

Stress can kill you. I can feel my life bar dropping by the second. Assignments are piling up by the second. I'm forgetting things, and then worrying about the fact that I forgot! In the past couple of weeks, I've learned this; the more you let stress take over the more stressed you'll be. The more you procrastinate, the less likely you'll even START what needs to be done. The key is to overcome these little killers. Here's how;

For starters, you have to pull yourself together.  Think rationally about what needs to be done and how you will go about doing so. Time management is really important. Don't let these feelings control your life. Realize that stress is just a result of having a lot on your mind.  Control stress before it controls you!

It also helps to acknowledge that you are stressed in order to deal with it accordingly. Symptoms of stress include; confusion, disorientation, sickness to your stomach, sweating, and depression. In short, it sucks to be me right about now.  Also, if your hair starts to fall out, it might be a good idea to talk to someone. Bottling it up makes it all the worse for you and others because they can't help if they don't know what's going on!.

Remember, things aren't always as bad as they seem.  Talk to someone you trust; it might just save your life or your career. Learn to manage your stress so that you can live your life at a comfortable pace. As Dory puts it, "Just keep swimming!".

For more tips and tricks, be sure to check out's take on how to manage stress.